

TIG Welding

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TIG Welding at Engweld

What is TIG welding?

TIG stands for Tungsten Inert Gas and is technically called Gas Tungsten Arc Welding or GTAW. The process uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode that delivers the current to the welding arc. The tungsten and weld puddle are protected and cooled with an inert gas, typically argon. TIG welding is similar to oxy-acetylene welding in that you use a filler material for build-up or reinforcement.

TIG Welding can be done in any welding position and in manual, semiautomatic and automatic modes. TIG Welding can be used to weld almost all metals and metal alloys and is a particularly effective and economic way for welding light gauge metals (under 3mm thickness) and for welding metals difficult to weld with the conventional welding process. Such metals include Aluminium and aluminium alloys, Copper and copper alloys, Nickel and nickel alloys, Low alloy steel and carbon steels and Joining carbon and alloy steels.

Engweld are a key distributor for all leading brands of AC/DC & DC TIG welding machines including ESAB, Lincoln Electric & Migatronic. We stock a range of portable & industrial TIG welders to provide the correct solution for your TIG welding application. Technical advice, full service & repair facilities and on-site demonstrations are also available from your local sales centre or sales representative.

Key things to consider when TIG welding

TIG welding machines

TIG welding machines come either as AC/DC or DC only power. They serve different purposes and are suited for specific welding applications. 

Explore our full range of TIG Welders to find the ideal machine for you.

AC/DC machines are capable of both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) welding. AC/DC TIG welding machines are more versatile and allow welding of more metals including aluminium, magnesium, and nonferrous alloys that require AC for proper penetration and cleaning of the oxide layer. 

If your application involves welding aluminium, then AC output is important as it helps break down the oxide layer on the surface, allowing for better fusion. AC also offers a balanced heat input making it suitable for welding metals that are susceptible to distortion. 

DC TIG welders are better suited for welding ferrous metals like stainless steel, carbon steel, and other alloys that don’t require the cleaning action provided by AC. 

Engweld stocks a wide range of air-cooled and water-cooled TIG welding machines. The right choice will depend on your welding applications and your specific needs. Air-cooled TIG welders are for light to moderate welding applications with lower amperage and where heat build up is not as intense. Water-cooled TIG welders are designed to handle heavy-duty welding applications requiring higher amperage. The water cooling system helps dissipate the heat generated during high amperage welding. 

TIG welding torches

A TIG welding torch holds the tungsten electrode and delivers a shielding gas to prevent the welding pool from contamination. Engweld stocks air-cooled and water-cooled TIG welding torches from various renowned brands. Air-cooled TIG torches are for standard applications with lower amperage and use surrounding air to dissipate heat generated during welding. Water-cooled TIG torches are for heavy-duty welding applications requiring higher amperage and the heat is dissipated by using a separate water cooling system to maintain lower operating temperatures. 

The angle of the torch is an important aspect when TIG welding. The recommended torch angle will vary depending on the material being welded, the joint configuration, and the welding position. 

Tungsten Electrodes

In TIG welding, tungsten electrodes create and maintain the electric arc that generates the heat required to melt the base metal and create a weld joint. Common tungsten electrodes used in TIG welding are pure tungsten, thoriated, lanthanated, and ceriated tungsten electrodes. Tungsten electrodes are colour coded for easy identification with the colour indicating the specific composition of the electrode and its suitability for various welding tasks. It is important to choose the right tungsten electrode for your application. 

Filler rods

The right choice of filler metal or tig welding wire will depend on the type of base metals being welded, the welding application, and the desired properties of the finished weld. Engweld stocks a range of TIG welding wires including steel, stainless steel, and aluminium. It is also important to choose the right diameter of the TIG welding wire. 

Shielding gas

Argon is the commonly used gas in TIG welding to protect the weld puddle for atmospheric contamination. However, the right gas will depend on the application. See our list of our recommended welding gases depending on your welding process and the material/thickness you're welding. Use the gas selector tool or download the gas selector guide to help you choose the right gas for your welding application. 

Gas regulators

In TIG welding, a regular and consistent gas flow is important. Too little gas will mean poor shielding and risk contamination while too much gas can cause turbulence in the weld pool. You should use a TIG gas regulator to ensure a consistent flow rate. 

TIG foot pedals

TIG foot pedals, also known as TIG foot controls, are devices that allow the welder to control the welding current (amperage) using their foot while welding. The amperage can be increased or decreased by simply pressing down or releasing pressure on the foot pedal. This real-time control allows the elder to fine-tune the welding current as needed during the welding process allowing greater control and precision. Engweld stocks wired and wireless TIG foot pedals.

PPE and Safety gear

Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is important in any welding process, including TIG welding. You will also need a welding helmet to protect your eyes and UV radiation produced during the welding process. TIG welding involves extremely high temperatures so you will need flame-resistant TIG welding gloves, welding jacket, and welding trousers to protect yourself from heat, sparks, and UV radiation. Depending on the application, you may need respiratory protective equipment (RPE) such as an air fed welding helmet with a PAPR (Powered Air-Purifying Respirator) to protect yourself from toxic welding fumes. 


See a full list of TIG welding FAQ's. If you have any more questions or queries about TIG welding then please contact us and speak to one of our experts. 

